Medjugorje Mir - Medjugorje Pilgrim Services


Home Up 1. The Annunciation 2. The visitation 3. The nativity of Jesus 4. The presentation of Jesus 5. The finding of Jesus


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1st - The Annunciation

  1. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the mother of the Messiah.
  2. She said yes. Mary had such faith! She always complied with the Father's will.
  3. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
  4. There was such a bond between Jesus and Mary from the very moment of conception!
  5. She felt His life grow within her womb. His Most Sacred Heart was formed in her womb through the Holy Spirit.
  6. Jesus wants to be alive in our hearts. We should carry His life with great joy in our being.
  7. The Spirit wants to be alive in our very being with the fire of His love.
  8. We are children of God. Mary mothers us as she mothered Jesus
  9. It is through Mary that we are led to intense love in His most precious Heart.
  10. It is truly the love of these Two Hearts that will lead us to union with God.


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Last modified:  06/10/11